Add a touch of sparkle to your smile

We may not be able to celebrate the festive season in the usual way this year, but we do know that a smile can light up someone’s day. So why not get your smile in tip-top, sparkly-white condition with Boutique At-home Whitening!
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. At your initial appointment, a digital scan will be taken to make your flexible, comfortable whitening trays. These will be ready for you to collect from the practice around 5 - 7 days later.
2. During your follow up appointment we make sure your trays fit perfectly, show you how to use the gel in the trays and recommend the length and frequency of treatment based on the desired result.
3. Head home and start wearing the whitening trays overnight (or as directed) and let the whitening gel get to work.
You should start to see results in 2 – 3 days with overnight usage, a little longer if you’re wearing for a shorter period each time. After around 7 – 10 days, we would like to see you to check how your whitening is progressing and make sure you are happy with your results.
If you’d like a whiter, brighter smile, call our reception team today on 01428 723179 and book your appointment.